Hours & Pricing

Check back in fall of 2025 for our hours of operation!
General Admission
Includes: Apple cannon, corn maze, hayride, petting zoo, jumping pillow, pedal tractor track, Kangaroo Jumper, Gaga Ball Pit, Enchanted Forest, spider web rope climb & agricultural exhibits. Pumpkins & other fall decorations are priced separately.
+$6 add on for Super Mega Ride-n-Slide
Group Admission
For field trips, families, scouts, youth groups, birthday parties
Private parties available by appointment with a reservation. $9 per person includes all activities listed under General Admission plus a small pumpkin that you can pick from the field. It may also include a bonfire if the group chooses.
We accept MasterCard, Visa, and Discover & payment through Venmo.

Pricing Guidelines
Ages 3 and up $9.00
Ages 2 and under Free
FREE Grandparent admission with a paying child. Limit one per child. Offer expires September 30, 2024.